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God is for us - Makaton Signed by Becky George
Jesus lead us to the Father - Makaton signed by Becky George
Shine jesus shine - Makaton signed by Becky George
God is good - Makaton signed by Becky George
Before the throne of God above - Makaton signed by Becky George
Our God is an awesome God - Makaton signed by Becky George
Gods people aren't superheroes - Makaton signed by Becky George
Important Makaton signs for churches - heaven, church, trinity etc.- Becky George
Our god is a great big god - Makaton signed by Becky George
The Beginning of the World, Genesis 1 v1-2 - Makaton Signed by Becky George
You have filled my heart with greater joy - Signed in Makaton by Becky George
Useful Makaton signs for church - faith, hope, bible etc. - Becky George